| NewsConstruction project management refers to the process of overseeing a residential, commercial, or industrial construction project from start to finish, and it is critical...Read More
| NewsMany people use commercial and industrial construction synonymously, but they’re not the same. Commercial construction refers to building, upgrading, and maintaining small-to-large retail businesses...Read More
| NewsWhat is plant maintenance and why do manufacturers need to prioritize it?
Learn more in this article by IICC, North America’s industry-leading industrial construction...Read More
| NewsIndustrial contracting is the business of engineering, planning, and executing the installation, maintenance, repair, and relocation of heavy manufacturing equipment and/or structures. Although heavy...Read More
| NewsPlant relocations are when entire facilities change sites. Relocations may be needed if a company outgrows its current space, sees opportunities for lower operational...Read More
| NewsAlso called shutdowns or outages, plant turnarounds are scheduled periods of downtime where the process unit of an industrial plant is taken offstream to...Read More
| NewsIndustrial rigging largely refers to the lifting and moving of heavy-duty manufacturing equipment. While industrial rigging does not necessarily involve transportation, riggers often work...Read More
| NewsConsistent and intelligent plant maintenance is imperative for facilities across all industries. When maintenance is planned and executed efficiently, downtime is reduced and production...Read More
| NewsSince 2020, unprecedented events have caused delays across all types of construction work. Labor and material shortages coupled with factory shutdowns and widespread delivery...Read More
| In the NewsJamison C. Fox, P.E., Engineer/Project Manager with International Industrial Contracting Corporation (IICC) pushes safety, profitability, and sustainability to be a key force when discussing...Read More